Ability to learn

This skill is about managing personal learning and development. It is about planning and working towards targets to improve performance and reviewing progress.

We found 2013 challenges in the Skill 'Ability to learn'

Challenge Level NLH
The learner will be able to identify key developments in the history of steam engines, both locomotive and pump.
Entry 3  20
The learner will explore different fabrics and detergents used in the laundry process during independent living skills sessions.
WTE1  10
The learner will follow a recipe, to prepare drinks, a snack and a simple meal and to understand the importance of basic safety/hygiene rules in the kitchen.
Entry 3  20
The learner will become aware of woodwork tools and demonstrate how to use them safely.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to research and produce a map of a chosen area.
Level 1  20
The learner will be able to recognise, identify and demonstrate a range of skills required to participate in Rebound Therapy.
Entry 1  10
The learner will experience and coactively participate in a range of cooking for a tuck shop sensory careers activities.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to understand and practice social distancing in order to minimize the chances of getting Covid.
WTE1  20
The learner will be able to state the specific needs and care requirements of looking after a dog. They will will able to participate in basic dog training.
Entry 3  10
The learner will be able to identify and practice what is required to look after their mental health and wellbeing.
Entry 3  30
The learner will explore a range of expressive activities during dance.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to correctly label the anatomy of three different animals whilst using different resources such as books, posters and the Internet.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to identify the equipment for litter picking, use it safely and work in a small team.
Entry 1  10
The learner will understand how to interpret location on an OS map using a 6 figure grid reference.
Level 1  20
The learner will be able to identify different types of plants plus recognise parts of a plant and their functions.
Entry 2  10
The learner will explore the traditions and culture associated with China and Chinese New Year.
Entry 1  20
The learner will be able to identify a range of road signs and know what the mean.
Entry 2  10
The learner will socialise with peers by playing games together on the Nintendo Wii.
Entry 1  10
The learner will demonstrate an awareness of the dangers of electricity and be able to operate objects which are mains and battery powered.
WTE1  10
The learner will show that they can take part in functional literacy activities relating to their hobbies and interests.
WTE1  30