
What is Lifeskills Challenge?
Lifeskills Challenge is an online bank of challenges for learners working from pre-Entry to Level 3. This programme enables centres to meet individual needs by providing a personalised curriculum for young people with SEND or those facing barriers to learning.
Challenges have been mapped to the four Preparing for Adulthood pathways and cover subject areas such as English, mathematics and PSHE.
Who is it for?
Learners that require a personalised approach to learning, including those with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) or accessing SEN support.
Where can this programme be delivered?
- special schools
- mainstream schools (SEN units, specialist resourced provision)
- alternative provision
- academies
- specialist colleges
- FE colleges
- training providers
- local authorities
Facts and figures
- Challenges take 10, 20 or 30 notional learning hours to complete
- Challenges are internally moderated
- Unlimited number of challenges per learner registration
- Challenges are mapped to the four Preparing for Adulthood pathways, covering 12 subject areas and nine vocational areas
- Opportunity to write your own challenges
The challenges recognise learners’ progress in curriculum areas that are important for success in adult life – they are usually about being able to do things, rather than about a significant body of knowledge. Tutors can choose from existing challenges created by ASDAN practitioners or write and submit their own for approval by ASDAN.
Learners work through their chosen challenges and collect evidence of their achievements; learner evidence can be printed or kept electronically. Centres can reward learners’ achievements by claiming ASDAN certification for successfully completed challenges. Centres also have the option of downloading a summary of progress to reward small steps of progress.
Initial quality check
Centres are required to undertake an initial quality check with ASDAN prior to requesting certification for the first time.
Learner registration
Each learner will require a Lifeskills Challenge learner registration. This registration lasts for 12 months, during which time the learner can complete as many challenges as required. The registration includes one certification opportunity at the end of the registration period, along with the option to download summaries of progress along the way.
Centres can also choose to extend learner registrations, which allows for a subsequent year of registration. This will mean that all challenges roll over to the subsequent year and certification is deferred until the end of the registration period. Learner registrations can be extended for as many years as required.
Centre registration
For centres new to ASDAN, your first step is to complete the centre registration form; Lifeskills Challenge is currently covered under the ASDAN programmes centre registration fee. Centres that are already registered with ASDAN need to ensure that Lifeskills Challenge is added to their current registration.
Once registered you will be able to log in to the Lifeskills Challenge website where you can manage your learners, browse and download challenges, submit challenges for approval and request certification.
Training workshops
Training is highly recommended for co-ordinators in centres that are running or planning to run Lifeskills Challenge. The workshops cover administration processes, offer guidance on using the Lifeskills Challenge website and provide a practical introduction to writing and submitting challenges.
Centres will not be able to write and submit their own challenges until they have attended a Lifeskills Challenge training workshop.
How-to guides
We have created a range of video tutorials to provide guidance on Lifeskills Challenge processes. Further guides will be available shortly.
All prices shown below are per learner, unless otherwise stated.
Item | Price |
Lifeskills Challenge one-year learner registration (one per learner, includes certification) | £24.00 |
Lifeskills Challenge one-year learner registration extension | £14.00 |
All prices valid from 1 September 2024 until 31 August 2025.