
Lifeskills Challenge training workshops
Training is highly recommended for co-ordinators in centres that are running or planning to run Lifeskills Challenge. The workshops cover administration processes, offer guidance on using the Lifeskills Challenge website and provide a practical introduction to writing and submitting challenges.
Centres will not be able to write and submit their own challenges until they have attended a Lifeskills Challenge training workshop.
Training workshops
View and book all workshop and webinar dates here.
How-to guides
Below is a range of video tutorials to provide guidance on Lifeskills Challenge processes. Further guides will be available shortly.
- Searching for challenges:
- Finding out information about a challenge
- Registering learners – part one
- Registering learners – part two
- Assigning challenges – part one
- Assigning challenges – part two
- Challenge progress
- Internal moderation and certification
- Statement of achievement and initial quality check – part one
- Statement of achievement and initial quality check – part two