Developing independence with choosing clothing

Challenge reference: 8228

Notional learning hours  10
Level Entry 1
Preparing for Adulthood pathway
Learning aim

The learner will develop independence over selecting clothes and develop awareness about where to find clothes.

Learning context

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Learning outcomes

What the learner needs to know, understand or be able to do

The learner will:

  1. Develop preferences relating to clothing.

  2. Develop an understanding of needing different clothes for different activities.

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Assessment criteria

What the learner need to demonstrate in order to meet the learning outcome

The learner can:

    • Identify at least two online shops where they can look for clothes
    • Use a website search function to search for an item of clothing
    • Identify at least three pieces of clothing they like
    • Describe why they like an item
    • Create a collage of footwear/clothing they like
    • Show and describe collage to at least one peer
    • Identify at least one example of formal clothing/footwear
    • Identify at least one activity where formal clothing might be required
    • Identify at least one example of casual clothing/footwear
    • Identify at least one activity where casual clothing is appropriate
    • Give an example of appropriate clothing for at least three different activities (e.g., gym, school, job interview)
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