Respectful relationships

Challenge reference: 8921

Notional learning hours  10
Level Entry 3
Subject area
Preparing for Adulthood pathway
Vocational area
Learning aim

The learner will understand what a healthy and respectful sexual relationship is.

Learning context

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Learning outcomes

What the learner needs to know, understand or be able to do

The learner will:

  1. Explain the difference between who you want to be friends with and who you want to be in a sexual relationship with.

  2. Explain that asking for and giving consent is essential within a sexual relationship and that sometimes pressure can be put on you to do something you don't want to do.

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Assessment criteria

What the learner need to demonstrate in order to meet the learning outcome

The learner can:

    • Explain the different feelings in your body, between being someone's friend and being sexually attracted to someone 
    • Name the possible key stages of a relationship, including: first date, first kiss, getting married, having sex, breaking up, living together 
    • Explain  what consent means
    • Explain in case studies, involving sexual situations, whether consent has been given or not
    • Demonstrate the ability to say yes or no to sexual behaviour in a role play situation
    • Give an example of when pressure is put on a person to do sexual behaviour they don't want to do 
    • State who they would talk to for support if they were being put under pressure
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