Community inclusion

This pathway provides young people with opportunities to spend time with their peers outside of education. It covers maintaining friendships and relationships, accessing the local community and feeling safe and confident.

We found 1048 challenges in the Preparing for Adulthood pathway 'Community inclusion'

Challenge Level NLH
Learners will be able to use gardening equipment safely, identify plants and participate in growing a range of plants.
Entry 3  20
Identify an iconic building, research and construct a build using Minecraft; evaluate the finished product.
Level 1  10
Learners will experience a tactile, multi-sensory environment
WTE1  10
Learners will develop their understanding of relationships with different people in their lives.
Entry 1  20
Learners will participate in a group nature project
WTE1  10
To read, listen and respond to stories and non fiction texts
Entry 2  20
Learners will experience a range of games (using a range of equipment e.g. ball, beanbag, balloon).
WTE1  10
Learners will take part in a straightforward event to celebrate the culture of a different country
WTE1  10
Learners will be able to identify suitable clothing for their swimming session and with help dress themselves in it.
WTE1  10
Learners will take part in a Tac Pac session and respond to the stimuli.
WTE1  10
The leaner will know the positive effects of participating in sport and the negative effects of not doing so
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to recognise and demonstrate an understanding of time in relation to different activities through the day, week and year.
WTE1  10
To understand the difference between right and wrong and about criminal activity as a citizen of the UK.
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to identify people that need help and participate in an activity which helps others.
Entry 1  10
Learners will be able to prepare for and go on an outing safely.
Entry 2  10
Learners will visit the sensory room and experience the sensations resulting from use of the equipment.
WTE1  10
To engage in a sensory story
WTE1  10
Learners will be able to demonstrate co-operation with other people when working on a shared task
Entry 1  10
Learners will experience a range of equipment and styles of art.
WTE1  10
Learners will use community facilities during own leisure time.
WTE1  10