Your search returned 3047 results
Challenge | Level | NLH |
The learner will identify some of the key features of myths and legends and apply these in their own writing.
Entry 2 | 20 |
The learner will use their chosen form of communication, for example, reaching for, PECS, or verbalisation to communicate leisure, clothes, and food choices.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will develop skills in making and communicating choices in a room design context.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to identify different types of plants plus recognise parts of a plant and their functions.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will build confidence in swimming.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will be able to explore activities in relation to space.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will learn about space and the solar system.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will understand the basic rules of hurling and the equipment needed to play.
Level 1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to read their personal school timetable effectively.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will identify some of the key features of poetry and apply these in their own writing.
WTE1 | 20 |
The learner will prepare a range of simple meals, individually or as part of a group.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will show that they can take part in functional literacy activities relating to their hobbies and interests.
WTE1 | 30 |
The learner will be able to identify sadness, anger and excitement in a dog.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will demonstrate independent use of an ATM cash machine to withdraw money and obtain receipt.
Level 1 | 10 |
The learner will build a brick walled shape, observing the design required to ensure stability, they will practice off-setting rows of bricks.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will be able to design and construct a model.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will learn about how and why Eid is celebrated.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will take part safely in physical exercise including warm-up and cool-down sessions.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to use their senses to explore the ingredients before and after they are mixed together.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will know what is meant by person-centred support, the difficulties in person-centred planning and how to overcome these.
Entry 3 | 30 |