Your search returned 3047 results
Challenge | Level | NLH |
The learner will be introduced to the initial steps in tiling, following a number or colour sequence and have an awareness of the use of a spirit level to ascertain a level horizontal plane.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will explore mosaics and participate in the design and creation of a mosaic panel.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will develop spelling of essential and specialist words and to develop skills in producing legible writing, for use in everyday situations.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will participate in a project to investigate the soil conditions required for optimal growth of a plant. They will produce a workbook to keep a project record and display their results.
Entry 2 | 30 |
The learner will develop a basic knowledge and vocabulary needed to describe size and dimension, for use in everyday situations.
Entry 1 | 20 |
The learner will work with others during practical activities and games to learn the basic skills of football.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will develop basic group navigation skills in an outdoor setting.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will experience shopping for household items, through planning and participation.
Entry 1 | 10 |
Learners will understand what is in a first aid kit and what items are used for.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will participate in pet care routines including feeding, grooming and cleaning out.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will develop a range of vocal and spoken language skills and be able to effectively structure spoken contributions.
Level 1 | 20 |
The learner will be able to perform basic rugby techniques safely in a sports hall.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will develop conversational and discussion skills and become an effective participant in spoken exchanges. Improving own contribution and their ability to encourage others to participate.
Level 1 | 10 |
The learner will plant up a prepared site and learn about different propagation techniques.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will develop knowledge and skills needed to measure length, weight and capacity, for use in everyday situations.
Entry 3 | 30 |
The learner will be able to prepare a hot snack and clear away afterwards.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will understand writing appropriately for audience and purpose.
Level 2 | 10 |
The learner will respond to and engage with discussions around making appropriate choices and begin to understand good and bad choices.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will develop skills in working with numerical information in different formats in everyday situations.
Entry 3 | 10 |
The learner will experience opportunity to show personal health skills.
WTE1 | 10 |