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Challenge Level NLH
The learner will use a computer to create a poster using PowerPoint.
Entry 1  10
The learner will explore and coactively participate in a range of activities to create a house key hook.
WTE1  10
The learners will explore themes connected with energy use and transfer in the home and workplace.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to use cooking skills to prepare a buffet that could be used for a party.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to introduce themselves, identify their own interests and present these to others. The learner will be able to indicate preferences about their interests and personality.
Entry 1  20
The learner will be able to present personal information about themselves and explain their preferences and choices with supporting reasons. The learner will also be able to describe themselves.
Entry 2  20
The learner will identify some of the key features of a news report and apply them in their own writing.
Entry 1  20
The learner will read a small selection of four simple poems (or listen to them being read) and be able to appreciate it in a group setting.
Entry 1  10
The learner will develop a knowledge of growing vegetables, including planting, caring for and harvesting them. They will then prepare and cook these in a meal for themselves.
Level 1  20
The learner will be able to understand, recognise, and manage behaviours and emotions.
Entry 1  10
The learner will investigate solids, liquids, and gases in the classroom / outside.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to listen and respond to stories and non fiction texts.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to independently prepare for a Forest School session by choosing appropriate clothing and items for a packed lunch.
Entry 2  10
The learner will experience work place skills, while exploring the sensory aspects of planting seeds and caring for plants.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to identify cells and know about some of their functions, identify different ecosystems and begin to explore how humans effect them negatively.
Entry 3  30
The learner will be able to understand the different options available to them when leaving school and participate in work related activities.
Entry 3  10
The learner will take part in a sensory story and show they can use symbols to communicate.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to identify how the male and female body changes during puberty.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to prepare for planned tasks and organise their equipment.
Entry 2  10
The learner will be able to tie his/her shoe laces with assistance if required.
WTE1  10