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Challenge Level NLH
For learners to participate in reading or listening to literature in a group setting and to participate in activities related to PSHE topics.
Entry 2  20
Learners will develop a basic understanding of the 2006 Road Safety Act and how it applies to them and other road users
Level 1  10
Learners will be able to identify what is required to look after young children.
Entry 2  10
Learners will participate in practical, multi-sensory activities to develop their awareness of object permanence.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to research relevant amenities in their local area and how to get to them
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to explore information about theme parks, decide on suitable venues, understand and demonstrate appropriate behaviours. They will use the experience to make informed choices.
Level 1  10
Learners will be able to use a switch more than once to create an effect and will be able to use two switches to create different effects or to make a choice of effect.
WTE1  10
Learners will be able to design and safely make a wooden product for use in own centre.
Entry 2  10
Learners will be able to use textiles to safely make a toy
Level 1  10
Be able to identify the role parents play in the development of young children and become involved in the development a young child.
Entry 3  10
Learners will explore their own outdoor environment to develop their sensory awareness.
WTE1  10
Learners will construct a Roman settlement using Minecraft.
Entry 2  10
Build a model vehicle to move over a set distance and against others using a propulsion method
Entry 3  10
Learners will be able to follow simple directions on foot to an unfamiliar destination outside their centre.
Entry 2  10
Learners will develop an understanding of the dangers of drink driving
Level 1  30
Learners will be able to manage a stock system
Entry 2  10
Learners will be able to label rooms in a house using a foreign language.
Entry 2  10
Learners will understand the importance of play in child development
Level 1  10
Learners will develop an understanding of what constitutes a minor motoring offence and the consequences of committing a minor motoring offence.
Entry 3  10
Learners will accept support to experience a range of health and fitness activities using different equipment or resources.
WTE1  10