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Challenge Level NLH
The learner will enhance and develop their communication Moon.
Entry 2  10
The learner will be able to engage with a story, identify things that happen throughout the story and state whether they enjoyed the story or not.
Entry 1  20
The learner will experience a range of sensory activities through participation in a gardening session.
WTE1  10
The learner will sort, clean and squash plastic items/bottles ready for recycling.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to demonstrate they can wash their hands correctly.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to understand the roles that characters and settings have within films and share and present their ideas.
Entry 3  20
The learner will be able to prepare for and make a pizza using toppings of their choice.
Entry 1  10
The learner will be able to recall key facts from different news events, locally, nationally and from around the world.
Level 1  10
The learner will respond consistently to familiar sounds in routine contexts.
WTE1  30
The learner will experience the use of objects of reference related to everyday activities.
WTE1  10
The learner will be able to select the appropriate hair brush/comb and brush their hair neatly and independently.
WTE1  10
The learner will choose a topic of interest, research information on their chosen topic, create a PowerPoint presentation and present this to other people.
Entry 3  10
The learner will know how to use and store tools safely during forest schools sessions.
WTE1  10
The learner will choose a topic of interest, research information on their chosen topic, create a PowerPoint presentation and present this to other people.
Entry 2  10
The learner will show an understanding of single hand under hand or on-body BSL signs.
WTE1  30
The learner will use functional skills in the context of activities linked to an enterprise project.
Entry 1  20
The learner will be design and make a series of six mosaic tiles featuring different animals and an accompanying worksheet for younger pupils to be placed around the playground in an 'art trail'.
Entry 3  10
The learner will understand the physical aspects of sexual relationships.
WTE1  10
The learner will begin to use, apply and understand number in a range of contexts and environments.
Entry 1  10
The learner will accept help when safely using a hoist.
WTE1  10