Your search returned 3047 results
Challenge | Level | NLH |
The learners will be able to identify and use a self-service checkout when paying for their shopping.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will be able to observe and develop skills to maintain the school farm grounds. This will include maintaining fencing, gates, storage shelters, gates and paths.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will experience different farm animals and livestock through practical and classroom activities.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will plan a Harvest Celebration.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will safely cook different food types, outdoors using gas stoves.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will be able to teach another person(s) basic football skills through demonstration.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to visit and find out about a fire station in their local area and present their findings to others.
Entry 3 | 10 |
The learner will recognise their personal strengths, make a smart plan to achieve their goals and understand how feedback can have both positive and negative impact on their mental health.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will sit happily and maintain a balanced position at 'Halt' in 'Walk' and during 'Changes' of rein.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to identify and use the equipment needed for indoor rock climbing, be able to climb using safe technique and recognise the grading system for indoor climbing walls.
Entry 3 | 30 |
The learner will be able to produce their own unique sculptures based on the work of famous sculptors.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will explore different styles of landscape art.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will develop skills in number and using money in a retail context.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will show that they can take part in functional literacy activities relating to holidays.
WTE1 | 30 |
The learner will follow simple oral and pictorial instructions to help to make chocolate chip banana bread using a bread maker.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will develop skills in literacy through the context of a country in the wider world.
WTE1 | 20 |
The learner will explore different styles of graffiti art.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will demonstrate the skills to carry out research into a topic of preference with support.
Entry 1 | 30 |
The learner will be able to identify their own and others feelings.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will be able to plan, cost and cook a meal while adhering to a pre-determined budget.
Entry 2 | 10 |