Your search returned 3047 results
Challenge | Level | NLH |
The learner will acquire a basic knowledge of different public institutions and services & complete some specific research into one organisation.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will create a piece of art related to mythical creatures.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will have an understanding and application of health and safety practices in an equestrian workplace.
Entry 3 | 10 |
The learner will be able to state a range of land based settings and identify the roles with in the settings.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will develop a comprehensive understanding of the potential safety issues when being around donkeys and the safety precautions that should be taken to minimize accidents.
Level 1 | 20 |
The learner will demonstrate the skills required for working in a catering environment.
Entry 3 | 30 |
The learner will maintain a correct position in walk, and demonstrate their ability to steer by riding through a line of bending cones.
Entry 1 | 30 |
The learner will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of hygiene and what is required to maintain personal hygiene, positive mental health, a healthy lifestyle and important care routines.
Entry 1 | 20 |
The learner will be able to organise personal belongings when returning from a day out with support.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to safely check that a goat is healthy.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will explore a text related to space, retell the model text, understand key vocabulary and participate in writing a shared information text.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will complete everyday cleaning and laundry tasks.
WTE1 | 20 |
The learner will explore a range of objects and use them for different purposes.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to design and create circuits with a focus on safe practices and troubleshooting techniques.
Level 1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to safely provide appropriate hoof care to donkeys.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will be able to identify and differentiate between sources of income and expenditure.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will show understanding in areas of post-16 life: managing anxiety and overwhelm; money and debt; dream jobs and skill set; future relationships; and what to do when things go wrong.
Entry 3 | 10 |
The learner will be able to create themed food for an event.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will explore habitats through multisensory activities.
WTE1 | 30 |
The learner will be introduced to skills in copying movements to music through chair dance aerobics.
WTE1 | 20 |