Your search returned 3047 results
Challenge | Level | NLH |
The learner will identify organs in the human body and understand their function.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will follow step-by-step instructions to independently construct an easel from scratch, demonstrating problem-solving skills, safety awareness, and craftsmanship.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will start to learn about basic science through basic observations, records and experiments.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will learn to read and write braille numbers using the braille number sign.
Entry 3 | 20 |
The learner will learn to read 10 vegetable words and their BSL signs.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will research, recognise and create graffiti style art
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will explore resources used in a sensory story.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will develop their cooking skills by mixing ingredients to make bread.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will be able to show knowledge of the main people and events throughout the Bible and be able to apply lessons learnt from an important historical event or one of the main people.
Level 1 | 30 |
The learner will recognise individual factors that make up their identity and begin to understand different types of relationship.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will begin to understand some basic aspects of banking.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will learn to read 10 takeaway foods and their BSL signs.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will explore graffiti through a range of activities and contexts.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will develop their understanding of employment by completing given tasks around the school site.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will have good knowledge of the main laws of Shabbos (Sabbath) and how they apply to their day-to-day life.
Entry 3 | 30 |
The learner will be able to take part in bowling activities in the community.
Entry 2 | 10 |
The learner will engage with local history by engaging with objects and visits to local places of historical significance.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will learn to read 10 hot drink words and their BSL signs.
Entry 1 | 10 |
The learner will show an awareness of what is meant by a noun and a verb, identify example of each word classification and use them to answer simple questions.
WTE1 | 10 |
The learner will have some knowledge of the basic laws and customs that apply to Shabbos (Sabbath) and will be able to participate in some activities in preparation of Shabbos (Sabbath).
Entry 1 | 20 |