
This subject provides young people with the mathematics and numeracy skills that are essential for everyday life. It develops an understanding of mathematical concepts and theories and is linked to science, design technology, computing personal finance and most forms of employment.

We found 288 challenges in the Subject area 'Mathematics'

Challenge Level NLH
The learner will be able to present and interrogate data using various graphs.
Entry 3  30
The learner will develop their understanding and use of number to 20.
Entry 1  20
The learner will learn and use the vocabulary and concepts of signing units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
Entry 1  10
The learner will develop basic knowledge of measurement in a range of real life contexts.
Entry 3  10
The learner will develop their understanding of number to 30.
Entry 1  20
The learner will explore a variety of maths skills that they will need to be able to progress in life skills and independence.
Entry 1  30
The learner will explore a variety of maths skills that they will need to be able to progress in life skills and independence.
WTE1  30
The learner will sign the numbers and numerals up to 20 in and out of sequence and evidence understanding through BSL sign.
WTE1  10